Young Ft. Collins woman wants to fix her botched nose job!

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This 24 yo female from Northern Colorado had a rhinoplasty performed by another local surgeon and ended up with a significant postoperative deformity in her nasal tip. This deformity is known as a Polly beak deformity. She was referred to Dr. Manish Shah, a renowned revision rhinoplasty specialist, in Denver, Colorado to fix the deformity. She underwent open rhinoplasty, septoplasty, tip revision surgery, and spreader graft placement to improve the shape and position of her nose. She also had a significant improvement in her breathing. She is very happy with her results.

Revision rhinoplasty - Denver



Revision rhinoplasty - Denver



Revision rhinoplasty - Denver

This 24 yo female from Northern Colorado had a primary rhinoplasty performed by another local surgeon.  Unfortunately, the results were less than satisfactory. She sought the help of renowned revision rhinoplasty specialist, Dr. Manish Shah, of Shah Aesthetic Surgery in Denver, Colorado. After a careful evaluation, Dr. Shah performed a revision rhinoplasty to correct a Polly beak deformity. The patient ended up with a nice result. She was then involved in a car accident that fractured and deviated her nose.  She had 2 more surgeries (4 surgeries total) to obtain the results you see in the after photos.  The patient loves her nose and is able to breathe really well now!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.