Her teeth didn't show when she smiled!

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This lovely Denver area patient wanted to be able to see more of her teeth at rest and when she smiled. She came to see lip lift expert Dr. Manish Shah to have a subnasal, or bullhorn, lip lift of her upper lip. She requested a more aggressive amount of upper lip skin be removed if it was safe to do. She had significant lip asymmetry so Dr. Shah performed an asymmetric lip lift, removing 3mm from one side and 4mm from the other to mask the imbalance. The patient is very happy with her results and is undergoing laser resurfacing post surgical optimization (PSO) of her incision. PSO is something we offer all patients who can safely have laser.

Lip Lift Denver



Denver Lip Lift

This patient had asymmetries of her upper lip and couldn't see much of her upper teeth at rest or when smiling. She had an asymmetric lip lift by Dr. Manish Shah, a Denver area plastic surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery. She loves her results and continues to heal well.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.