Fat was used to improve her hollow lower eyelids.

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This patient was having facial fat transfer. She wanted to correct her hollow lower eyelids. Tear trough deformities are very common. Many patients use injectable filler to fix the problem, but this patient chose to use her own fat to correct the problem. She had small volume liposuction in the office under local anesthesia. The fat was then expertly prepared and re-injected in micro doses to correct the patient's concerns. She loves the outcome!

Fat Transfer to Tear Troughs



Fat Transfer to Tear Troughs

This woman looks much younger than her stated age because of the good work she's had with Dr. Shah. She wanted to correct the hollowing she was seeing in her lower eyelids. She had fat transfer to correct the deformity successfully. She is very happy with the results! Her tear trough deformity no longer bothers her because she can't see it when she puts on makeup. She looks at least 10 years younger than her stated age.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.