Denver female wants a new nose!

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This 30's year old female from Northern Colorado wanted to make her nose smaller. She didn't like the hump and felt that her nose was too long. She consulted with Denver plastic surgeon, Dr. Manish Shah, a noted rhinoplasty specialist. Dr. Shah felt that she would be best served by having an open rhinoplasty to reduce the hump, adjust her nasal bones, and reposition the nasal tip. She had surgery successfully and was very happy with her results.

Rhinoplasty Denver



Rhinoplasty Denver



Open Rhinoplasty Denver

This 30's year old Colorado female wanted a smaller nose that better fit her face. She did not like the hump and felt that the nose stuck out too far from her face. She had open rhinoplasty surgery with Denver rhinoplasty specialist, Dr. Manish Shah. She had an uneventful postoperative course after her surgery and is very happy with her results.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.