Rhinoplasty in Denver helps teenager improve her crooked nose.

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This 16 yo female was interested in improving the look of her nose. She felt that the hump and twist in the nose were not ideal for the look she desired. As she was a minor at the time of surgery, her mother was intimately involved with the decision making process. She consulted with Denver, Colorado based rhinoplasty expert, Dr. Manish Shah of Shah Aesthetic Surgery. She underwent safe open rhinoplasty surgery at an accredited outpatient surgery center in the Denver area. She had an uneventful procedure.

Rhinoplasty Denver, Colorado



Rhinoplasty Denver, Colorado



Denver Rhinoplasty Dr. Shah

This young Denver woman wanted to improve the look of her nose.  She felt that it had a hooked appearance, a hump, and that it was deviated to one side.  She felt that it was too big for her face.  She, along with her mother, consulted with Denver area rhinoplasty specialist, Manish H. Shah, MD, FACS.  Dr. Shah felt that she was a good candidate for open rhinoplasty and septoplasty procedures.  She underwent her cosmetic rhinoplasty and septoplasty procedures to great success.  She was very happy with her results.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.