Botched nose job needs revision rhinoplasty in Denver

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This patient from Philadelphia originally had rhinoplasty surgery when she was 19 years old. She was dissatisfied with the results. She ended up with an over-resection of her dorsum and alar retraction. She consulted with Dr. Manish Shah, widely considered an expert in revision rhinoplasty in Denver. Dr. Shah sees patients from all over who request correction of botched nasal surgery. This nice lady requested that Dr. Shah soften the harsh appearance of her nose so that it was no longer so obvious of a post-surgical defect. Dr. Shah was able to improve the look of her nose with open rhinoplasty techniques that used Medpor implant material to restructure and reposition key structures in her nose. Her nose had been in an abnormal position for the majority of the patient's life so skin retraction made repositioning the nasal cartilages very difficult. The patient was very happy with the outcome!

Revision rhinoplasty Denver



Revision rhinoplasty Denver



Revision rhinoplasty Denver



Botched rhinoplasty revision

This wonderful patient from Pennsylvania had a rhinoplasty in her late teens. Her first surgeon lowered her bridge too much and resected too much cartilage in her nasal tip. This created an over-resected dorsum and post-operative alar retraction. She consulted with Denver revision rhinoplasty specialist Manish H. Shah, MD, FACS of Shah Aesthetic Surgery.  Dr. Shah was fellowship-trained in rhinoplasty surgery at the famed Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital in New York City. There he was trained in the most advanced techniques for primary, ethnic, and revision rhinoplasty procedures. Dr. Shah opted to perform an open rhinoplasty to reconstruct the bridge of her nose and repair her alar retraction. He used an advanced material known as Medpor (ePTFE/porous Goretex) to repair her severely retracted nose. Other than some mild delay in healing around the implant material, the surgery was a success and that patient was able to look at her nose without seeing the previous damage so easily. She was happy with the outcome of the revision rhinoplasty procedure.

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