Mid 30's female from Denver, Colorado desires a smaller, more feminine nose

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This wonderful young woman wanted to improve the look of her nose. She felt that it was too big for her face and looked too "ethnic." She wanted to reduce the hump and decrease the size of the tip to fit the rest of her facial features. She was referred to Dr. Manish Shah by a girlfriend who also had successful rhinoplasty with Dr. Shah. She consulted with Dr. Shah, a recognized expert in rhinoplasty surgery for her procedure. She underwent closed rhinoplasty successfully and was pleased with her results.

Rhinoplasty Denver, Colorado



Rhinoplasty Denver, Colorado



Rhinoplasty Denver, Colorado



Rhinoplasty Denver, Colorado

30's year old Denver female wanted to improve the look of her nose.  She had a friend who had a successful rhinoplasty with Dr. Manish Shah, a rhinoplasty specialist located in Cherry Creek.  Dr. Shah is fellowship trained in rhinoplasty surgery and is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, so she felt she could place her trust in him.  She had a very educational consult with Dr. Shah.  Dr. Shah decided that a closed rhinoplasty procedure would be appropriate for this patient's goals.  She had her surgery and it was a success.  She was a big fan of the results.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.