This guy's man boobs are history!

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This 20's-something young man was very fit and in the gym regularly. Despite his healthy lifestyle, he noted the development of excess male breast tissue. He was very self-conscious about this so he consulted with Denver plastic surgery, Dr. Manish Shah. Dr. Shah performed gynecomastia surgery (male breast reduction) to remove the excess breast tissue, giving him this beautiful result. The patient is overjoyed with his outcome and feels so much more confident.

Gynecomastia Denver



Gynecomastia Denver



Male Breast Reduction Denver

This young man wanted his man boobs corrected. He had a small in-office procedure to remove excess glandular breast tissue using tiny incisions around the areolae. You can see in his after picture that he no longer has puffy nipples that stick out under a tight t-shirt. Denver plastic surgeon, Dr. Manish Shah, was successful in performing gynecomastia surgery on this patient. This patient is very thankful for his new beginning!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.